The first doors of the of the Advent calendar have long since been opened. The same applies to the 2023 event calendar.
The registrations for most bikepacking and ultramarathons are open, or will be in the coming weeks. It often takes a bit of luck to get a starting place. A large number of interested people are confronted with a predominantly manageable number of starting places. Sometimes you have to be quick, sometimes it is pure luck (lottery). At the end of January my plan for 2023 should be fixed. I don’t want to reveal anything yet about plans for the spring and summer, except that I’m already signed up and registered for one event. Unfortunately, the fairy godmother didn’t favor me with another event. Where, when, what? Information in January ;-).
It remains to mention that the Malabon e.V. project group was able to hold the “Malabonlauf” for the 14th time in September as part of the school festival of the Städtischen Gymnasiums Herzogenrath (SGH). The fundraising run, which takes place every two years and in which students and teachers participate, was able to acquire around 21,000 euros in donations, the full amount of which will benefit the various projects (including the preschool children project that I support). A great sum, because just at the start of the run it began to rain like from buckets, so that all participants and spectators were soaked within seconds. Nevertheless, the runners were highly motivated for Malabon. Many thanks to all participants, donors and organizers, also from my side. For me the participation was unfortunately not possible, because a final examination after COVID was still pending for me.

So the year 2022 was altogether not very successful from my own sportive perspective. After the virtual time trial championships over the 6h distance, where I could reach the first place in my age group as fifth overall (external link:, there was not much sportive news to report.

At the training camp in Mallorca I had good motivation and form, but somehow in the spring I had no morale to participate in events. At the school festival of the Europaschule Herzogenrath there was a small event where teachers had to cycle “virtually” through the Zion Canyon for 5 minutes in order to collect donations.

But when COVID hit in June, it was over with sports until September. With this experience I will definitely approach the coming year differently. More events, even earlier in the year. Who knows what’s coming up, and what you have, you have.
Some of you have asked if I will do another fundraiser in 2022. Unfortunately, that won’t happen. I prefer to prepare intensively for the coming season.

Nevertheless, you are welcome to donate in favor of the preschool children’s project. 100% of the money will go to where it is needed.
I wish you a wonderful Advent season, a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and above all good health!
Your Bert