The winter, i.e. the period from October to February, was anything but pleasant and good. At least from a cyclist’s point of view. An injury was followed by various subsequent illnesses, let’s put it that way, which made sensible training impossible. A little bit here, a little bit there, or often not at all for a few weeks. But what else can you do but wait and be optimistic? The Transcontinental or the Northcape-Tarifa were, or are, not an option this year.

The first event in February 2024 was supposed to be the real highlight of the year and had to be postponed until next year. Where we will go in February 2025 will be communicated “soon”.
But I’ve been back on the bike since February, at least for a few weeks, because as soon as I got back into the swing of things, I was laid up again with a high fever instead of dancing into May. Somehow things don’t seem to be going so well this year.

But burying my head in the sand is not my thing. So I am finally tackling the rest of the year, and there’s still a lot left to do. There are just under 5 weeks to go until my first event in 2024, the Monaco di Baviera Classic (MdBC) at the end of June. Definitely not a stopgap, but a top event.
With lots of Alpine passes and great routes, the route from Munich criss-crosses Italy and Austria and includes many a classic climb.
I haven’t really planned anything for it yet. What equipment or which bike? I haven’t even taken a closer look at the route yet. For me, it will be more about getting there and staying healthy.
Apart from the MdBC, no other ultra event has been “booked” yet. I first want to be sure that my engine is running properly again. I’m sure of that, so I’m confident that I can do at least one more “long thing”. Maybe SBA or IT? Or something new?
What is on the agenda, however, is a campaign at the school festival of our local grammar school, a long-standing partner of the Malabon project group. Details are still being planned. I may need your help in terms of material (a Smart Trainer).

I am sure to be able to share news with you again regularly in the coming months. There will definitely be small tours with three-digit kilometers as training before the MdBC.
Your Bert