You may remember that two years ago I participated in the Race Across Germany, going from Flensburg to Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
I planned to join the Race Across Germany again this year, the version going from Aachen, located at the border to Belgium and The Netherlands, to the polish border in Görlitz. In total roughly 780 km, with a lot of climbing (7800m) as the route is going through almost all the hilly areas Germany can offer.
Due to the pandemic situation the event is postponed to 2021. Regardless of this, I am planning to cycle from Aachen to Görlitz in 2020 to collect money for a project at the Philippines. The street children need support now, more than ever, and that’s why I cannot postpone starting the campaign. The project is very close to my heart. Since more than 30 years this project supports the children in the slums of Malabon and Tondo (belonging to Manila). The project team provides schooling & education and operates a basic health centre for the poorest or the poor.
Now in 2020 we are all confronted with COVID-19, and you may wonder why I have decided to support the project above? The answer is pretty simple. First it is a sustainable and successful project, since more than 30 years providing help for self-help. Second COVID-19 is already hitting Malabon and Tondo. We may never hear about it in the news. On top the area south of Manila is threatened by the recently awoken Taal volcano.
Your support in times where we ourselves are worried about our families and beloved ones, is more appreciated, but also more needed than ever. To donate please use the button at the top or bottom of this page.
The ride:
My plan is to start Friday 10th of July in Aachen at the market square in front of the city hall, and to arrive on Saturday afternoon in Görlitz. Just me and my bike (and some bottles of water and many energy bars) going non-stop in one go. Maybe if can organize that I am getting support along the way at certain waypoints, planning is ongoing. Precondition for this is of course, that it is allowed and safe to do the ride in terms of the pandemic. The actual date might change still, but I’m am going to ride in 2020! I will post updates on a regular basis to keep you informed.
I wish you and you’re beloved ones all the best in these times, stay healthy!
Your support will make a difference and is highly appreciated. Please share the link to this donation campaign with your friends to even reach more potential supporters.
Best regards,