Links to the livestreaming on YouTube (external links)
15:00 Start Session:
18:00 Halftime Session
20:45 Finale:
Leaderboard (external Link)
Today just a short test of the setup and the software

Update on January 6th

Only a short drive today, and caught the last rays of sunshine. Tomorrow evening we’ll go to the final setup and another test lap on Saturday’s track. So far the plan.
Update on January 5th, 2022
The links to the leaderboard where you can see the current status during the race are now available. At the moment you can see there the times of participants who have already completed trial laps.
6h male (you can filter by age group): (external link)
6h all participants: (external link)
The all-important question remains: What do I wear?

Update on January 4th, 2022
No weather for outside, so just doing a little leg loosening on the smarttrainer. A few things for Saturday are already set aside.

Update on January 3rd, 2022
The registration period is now over. The list of participants is therefore complete: 14 male and female participants in the 3h category, and 60 in the 6h category. I will compete with 13 other participants in my category (age 50-59). But according to the first names, some of them might have ended up in the wrong gender category. Who knows, in this days and age anyway… If it’s that correct, besides me, there’s an Irishman, a Canadian, two Brits and nine US Americans.
I managed to get the OBS software ready tonight to the point where I can install and test the technology in the coming days. The training is reduced to a minimum until Saturday to be able to start rested. The ambitions are very moderate though. Arrive, perhaps not as the last, would be enough for me honestly already. Because of the booster vaccination (as you know, you should take a few days off) and a bruise after a collision with a car (no ground contact, only hood and wing mirror) I had to take almost 3 weeks off in December. Since a little more than a week, however, everything is back on track.
Update on January 2nd, 2022
On January 8, 2022 the vWTTC will take place.
In different age groups and categories, the registered 65 participants (as of 01.01.22) will go to the start at 15:00.
There are 12 participants in the 3 hours competition, and 53 participants over the duration of 12 h. In my age group there are currently 12 active participants. Beside me one Canadian, one Irishman, one British and eight US-Americans.
The current list of participants can be found here (external link):
I will be posting article updates here on this blog in the coming days. I plan to provide a few short livestreams on YouTube as I did last May. A leaderboard will be provided by the organizer. You will also find the links here in this blog article.
There will probably not be a liveblog. Unless someone of you would like to do that 🙂
More later…